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17 Harry Potter Pick-Up Lines You Need To Use On Your Next Night Out – Bustle


There is no fandom quite like the Harry Potter fandom, because we Potterheads go way beyond just reading the books and watching the movies. We take vacations to the theme parks, build wardrobes entirely of Hogwarts gear, compulsively argue about conflicting fan theories, and, yes, we even have an unofficial guide to Harry Potter dirty talk. If you didn’t know any Quidditch-related pick-up lines before, don’t worry, because you’ll be well-versed by the end of this.
When it comes to flirting with a Harry Potter fan, you really have to know your stuff. You can’t properly hit on a Potterhead without at least knowing the basic history of Hogwarts, all seven of Voldemort’s horcruxes, and the correct way to say wingardium leviosa. Having a few lines of Harry Potter dirty talk doesn’t hurt, either.
The perfect Potter-inspired pick-up line is a fine balance of humor, sexiness, and unabashed nerdiness, and there is no line it isn’t willing to cross. From spell puns to Dementor references to the inevitable wand joke, nothings off limits when it comes to flirting, Harry Potter style.
Whether you want to hit on a beautiful and geeky Potterhead or are trying to understand what one of them is saying to you, let these 17 Harry Potter pick-up lines be your guide to nerdy dirty talk.
Image: the.blonde.bookworm/Instagram; Giphy (17)
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